Academia Rústika, the rural school with training in the agricultural and business world, is presented

Rústika Academy, based in Mediona, wants to transform agricultural training to promote the ecosocial transition.

Lucie Lafleur, coordinator of the project, explains that the initiative comes from GENS, the Group for Experimentation in Naturism and Sustainability, with the support of the Department of Business and work through the Unique Projects program.

The first program, 'Rústica Fonemental' will be launched in January 2024 and they are now in the design and coordination phase and calling for teaching staff who want to join the project. In October, registration will open for students who want to be part of it. Eduard Farré, president of the Gens Association explains who the training is aimed at.

During the presentation day of the project, the need for training in this branch was put on the table.

Thus, the curriculum of the first course will start in January 2024. The promoters point out the innovative nature of the proposal and highlight the format, which is committed to professionalizing the management of rural companies.

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